AJAC はあらゆる国籍、人種、民族、性別を問わず、現代の美術家の結集と協力を図る。
AJAC は“芸術を刷新し、市民文化を創造する”の立場で本展(東京展)、地方展、海外展、及び機関紙を通じて活発な芸術活動を展開する。
AJAC は現代の精神と形象を持つ作家には広く門戸を開放する。
AJAC MEMBERは“新しく考え、新しく行動し、新しく表現する”ものとする。
AJAC は各人の製作の自由を完全に保障し、各人の発表空間を確保し平等主義を基本としながら重点主義を併用し“A NEW ART!”の道を切り拓く。各展覧会の責任は各実行委員が受け持つ。
AJAC joins modern artists, regardless of nationaliry, race and sex.
AJAC stands for innovation of modern art and daily life thorugh exhibitions and publications in Japan and abroad.
AJAC welcomes new artistic forms and expressions.
AJAC members are encouraged to explore and develop different ideas and possibilities.
AJAC ensure that all members have total artistic freedom and necessary space for their exhibits during the show.
The executive All artists who have been recommended by AJAC members and have exhibited their works in the main (Tokyo) exhibition become members themselves.
If you approve of the principle above and wish show your work at the next exhibition, please send your resume and at least 5photgraphs of your works to the AJAC office below.